Dealing with any sort of pain is quite difficult and knee pain is one such pain that shows adverse effects on your daily activities, as it restricts your ability to move and bend like you used to. People suffering from knee pains experience a lot of distress and discomfort, as a result, you may not be even in a position to do small chores because they seems like heavy tasks. According to the sources, almost 30 percent of people who approach doctors each year generally have knee pain.
Knee pain overview
One of the most common problem created in the bony structures is Knee pain which subsumesthe kneecap (patella), knee joint (femur, tibia, fibula) or the ligaments & cartilage (meniscus) of knee. Overdoing exercise, affected muscles and their movements, can worsen the Knee pain and may triggered to other issues such as foot injury. People of all ages may get affected by knee pain, however, there are many home remedies that relief’s knee pain unless it becomes severe.
Few minor knee pains can be treated and cured by following self-care measures. Also, knee braces and physical therapy helps in relieving knee pain. If the knee pain is severe opting surgical repair is an ideal choice.
Knee pain facts
The following are the some of the facts about knee pains:
- Knee pain is a common complaint with various causes, ranging from acute injuries to difficulties of medical conditions.
- Knee pain can be restricted to a precise knee area or be diffuse all over the knee.
- Knee pain is frequently escorted by physical constraint.
- Complete physical examination founds the whether the person is diagnosed with knee pain or not
- Knee pain treatment depends on the underlying cause.
- The prediction of knee pain is good though it needs surgery or other interventions.
Symptoms of Knee pains
Based on the cause of the problem, the severity and area of knee pain varies. Below are the signs and symptoms that accompany knee pain:
- Soreness&warmness to touch
- Swelling &toughness
- Weakness or uncertainty
- Incapability to straighten the knee
- Crunching and popping noises
When to consult doctor for Knee Pain
Approach doctor when:
- You are unable to bear weight on the knee
- You experience knee swelling
- You are incapable to extend or bend your knee
- You observe a clear malformation in your knee or leg
- You have a fever, along with pain, redness& swelling in the knee
- You feel that your knee is unbalanced
Causes of Knee pain
Of various causes of knee pain, one of the major cause may be injury, like torn cartilage or ruptured ligament. Even few medical conditions, subsuming gout, arthritis and infections may cause knee pain.
Knee pain is categorized into three types:
Acute injuries include fracturedbone, meniscal tear, or torn ligament, meniscus injuries, Knee dislocationMedical conditions: Infections, arthritis
Chronic conditions: patellar syndromes, osteoarthritis, bursitis and tendinitis
The other risk factors of Knee pain are:
- Biomechanics
- Excess body weight
- Doing certain exercises excessively
How to get relief from Knee pain
Mild knee pain can be successfully treated at home. Either it is a sprain or arthritis, there are many medical remedies to combat the pain. Below are few tips to get relief from Knee pain.
- Try RICE for Sprains and Strains: When your leg is twisted or you experienced any sprain, the first aid you need to do is RICE—which means Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Rest your feet and apply cold compress of ice. Then cover your knee with a compression bandage in order to avoid swelling, but not so tightly as, it reduces circulation. Further, keep your foot elevated for some time.
- Doing Tai Chi Exercise: Tai chi is a mind-body exercise that enhances flexibility and balance. Doing tai chi is beneficial for patients suffering from osteoarthritis. It minimizes pain &elevates motion range.
- Regular Exercise & weight management: Regular exercise reduces knee pain in some individuals. For arthritis patients, keeping leg motionless or can harden the joints& makesit worse. Overweight also worsens the problem.
- Heat & cold therapy: Using heating pad while reclining prevents joint from stiffening up. Wrapping in a cold pack reduces pain & swelling. After injury, use cold pack for the first 24 hours for quick relief.
Following the above remedies helps in relieving knee pain and the aforementioned symptoms aids you in identifying knee pain problems at earlier stage, which helps in curing easily without any surgical repair.